

You Ever Get a problem when a Program get hanged and not respond to your commands,then you Probably press the alt+ctrl+del keys and then you click on program which is Hanged and click "End task" button, but sometimes this also not work and then you got tired from this Press the restart button of your computer,But i have very good method to Close Such a program in a less then 2 seconds.just follow the method above.
1.Press alt+ctrl+delete and then click "TASK MANAGER"
2.Then click on the Program which you are want to close probably HANGED PROGRAM.
Then click on "Go to process' option.
3.Then click 'END PROCESS TREE' option.
4.And finally Click on "END PROCESS BUTTON"
Program will close in JUST IN A CLICK.
very useful computer trick tips to close a hanged program software in a single click

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